Dilay Karadoller

Dilay is a PhD candidate at Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics and Department of Language and Communication at Radboud University. She was born in Istanbul where she got her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the Department of Psychology from Boğaziçi University. She moved to Nijmegen for her doctoral degree.

In her doctoral research, Dilay investigates the relationship between Language and Cognition drawing evidence from deaf children with late language exposure. Specifically, she studies whether and how having exposed to language late influences deaf children’s and adults language and memory abilities.

Beyond the office hours, Dilay enjoys spending time with her lovely son. She spends her holidays mostly on the sea sailing or somewhere near the sea with a high possibility of swimming every single day.

Communicative difficulties faced by deaf children: A way forward

Children learn language with astonishing ease when they are exposed to it. Unfortunately, some children face circumstances where exposure to language from birth is more difficult as in the case of deaf children with hearing parents. This article describes the challenges these children face especially in developing countries and presents current scientific insights that provide a way forward.